Dev Diary: January 2022
Welcome to the December & January Development Update!
Happy New Year, 2022! In this combined Dev Diary we'll be discussing December’s Closed Beta improvements and some exciting future developments for upcoming major game updates.
After our short holiday break, the team is back preparing new content that’ll be ready to drop during February.
While we work on introducing Animal Welfare into the game’s current beta build, new animal feeders (Blood Pumpkin & Fruit Block) provide enrichment for the animals at your prehistoric zoo.
Modular Items
There are a number of new additions to building items for creative builders to expand their guest facilities. Additional doors, lights, tables and chairs have now been included as Modular Pieces.
Boreal Biome
Enjoy more trees and plants with the new Boreal Biome and all its substrates: Snow, Withered Grass, Gravel & Rock. This new scenery addition inspired many Winter Wonderland parks over the festive season.
This update also saw the addition of the Douglas Fir, Alaskan Cedar, Alpine Currant and Alpine Bearberry.
State of Development
The PK team is expanding! In December we welcomed new members to the team to speed up production and to increase our social media presence. With Early Access in April (only a few months away!) we’ll continue to provide regular content updates to get direct feedback and thoughts from the community that have Closed Beta access.
Upcoming Developments
Animal socializing and behaviors will play a big part in managing a successful zoo and keeping your prehistoric animals happy! We're very eager to introduce our animal welfare mechanics in the lead up to Early Access and continue to flesh out their presence in the park.
As a start, the team’s currently working on exhibit management features such as dung. Everybody poops, and your prehistoric animals are no exception.
Some herbivore dung. This is some shitty work.
In terms of gamemodes, we’ve begun creating dedicated Challenge and Sandbox experiences alongside our new map selection screen. From here, players will pick where in the world they want to build their Prehistoric Kingdom and how they want to play.
Finally, Prehistoric Kingdom will soon be greeted by a returning species that our animal artists have taken extra care in developing. Players with access to the Closed Beta can look out for this creature in one of the upcoming major game updates before Early Access launch.
Weird looking cat.
Created by Warpath.
Created by Bumbee.
Created by Draco Agamicus.
Thank you for reading December-January’s dev diary!
We’d like to thank all of our current players for providing their feedback in this crucial stage of development. We have many exciting weeks ahead, and we can't wait to share everything with you!
Until next time,
- The PK Team